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You can help those affected by the catastrophic fires in Greater Los Angeles

Hurst fire from Oakridge.jpg

January 22nd, 2025 - Los Angeles, CA: We have all watched with horror and dismay the fires in Greater Los Angeles and nearby communities that have destroyed homes, neighborhoods, communities, schools, livelihoods, and lives.

Unions, congregations, and individuals continue to help the vast number of people affected by the fires in Southern California, in a massive outpouring of mutual aid.

Several organizations and projects are providing crucial assistance in this crisis. Consider making donations to one or more of these:

- Los Angeles Fire Relief Fund, set up by Labor Services Los Angeles, associated with the Los Angeles Labor Federation;

- Wildfire Crisis Relief, of the Jewish Federation Los Angeles;

- LA Fire Relief, an initiative of NCJW|LA, a section of the National Council of Jewish Women;

- California Fire Foundation – more about the foundation here.

All of the above have resources for individuals and families who need help, and are providing essential aid. Now they need our support.