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Mourning the Passing of Richard Trumka

Richard Trumka at October 27 2009 JLC Human Rights Awards Dinner DSC01425edited.jpg
Richard Trumka Addressing Human Rights Dinner of the JLC, New York City, October 27th 2009.

August 5, 2021 - On learning of the death of AFL-CIO President Richard L. Trumka earlier today, Stuart Appelbaum, President of the Jewish Labor Committee, issued the following statement.

"We were shocked to learn of the untimely passing of our friend and colleague, Rich Trumka, and send our deepest condolences to his family on this tragic day.

"He was committed to working men and women, their families and communities, from his early days as a third generation coal miner in Pennsylvania to his leadership of the United Mine Workers of America, and, for over a decade, as President of the AFL-CIO.

"He was an inspiration, and an ally. And the Jewish Labor Committee was fortunate enough to have him as a friend, and -- on a personal note -- I was as well.

"His work not only on behalf of the 12.5 million members of the 56 unions of the federation but on behalf of all workers, in fields and factories and schools and workplaces across the country, was deeply meaningful and important in the struggle to build a society that lifts us all up.

"We commit ourselves to continuing his work, and that of the larger labor movement that he headed and championed, and to building a more just, a fairer, and more equitable society.

"May his many achievements, and his dedication to securing better lives for working people over the years, serve as an inspiration to all who come after him. As it is said in Jewish tradition, may his memory be a blessing, and may his family know no more sorrow."