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Israeli Barring U.S. Representatives Omar and Tlaib is a Mistake

JLC Calls on Prime Minister Netanyahu to Reverse Israeli Government's Decision

August 15, 2019: New York, NY -- The Jewish Labor Committee regards the recent decision of the Israeli Government to bar U.S. Representatives Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib a mistake, and calls on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to reverse this decision.

Stuart Appelbaum, President of the Jewish Labor Committee, said that "while we do not share many of the views of these two members of Congress regarding Israel, members of the Congress of the United States should not be forbidden from entering Israel. Doing so," he added, "only reflects badly on Israeli democracy when it accepts or rejects visitors based on their political views. This will also harm U.S. -- Israel relations, and make support for Israel in the United States increasingly partisan, while it is in Israel's interest for this to be very much a non-partisan issue."

"We are convinced that not allowing them to visit the State of Israel undermines its reputation as an open and tolerant society."