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Human Rights Awards Dinner March 19th 2015 in NYC

2015 HRA Dinner Save the Date.jpg
We are delighted to announce the 2015 JLC Human Rights Dinner honoring Marc Perrone, President of the United Food and Commercial Workers, and Julie Kushner, Director of United Automobile Workers, Region 9A.

Make your reservations now. Click here for an RSVP form.
Just fill in the form, print it out, and either send it back to us via fax — 212-477-1918 — as an email attachment to dinner@jewishlabor.org, or by mail to
Jewish Labor Committee – 140 West 31st Street, 3rd Floor – New York NY 10001

You may make your reservation using a credit card: space is on the RSVP form, and you can also send us an email and write where to call you and when would be good.

JLC has reserved a limited block of rooms at a reduced rate available on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. You can call the Hilton Hotel Reservations Department at 212-586-7000 before February 17, 2015 and request the group rate for the Jewish Labor Committee Room Block.

Or go to the dedicated reservation website: https://resweb.passkey.com/go/LaborCommittee2015