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Boston: Yom Kippur Solidarity Action for 14,000 Janitors


(September 24, 2012) Boston, MA - Today, the New England Jewish Labor Committee joined with Moshe Kavod House Boston to support the SEIU 615 janitors whose contract expires on September 30th. 14,000 union janitors are faced with the end of their contract, and the reality that hard-fought contractual gains won at the bargaining table over the last decade may be endangered. Contractors are proposing to create a permanent second-tier category of janitorial workers that they can pay less than currently, as well to eliminate language intended to move workers from part-time to full-time employment among other disastrous proposals. Many janitors are working several jobs; at many job sites, they are given way more than they can possibly do in the time allotted. Most work 1 hour less than the 29 hours necessary to receive health care.
The demonstration, at 12 noon at the Berkeley Building in Downtown Boston, focused specific attention on over 50 contracted janitors, members of SEIU Local 615 who work in the building, as well as the thousands of others whose job security is at risk. This unique action of prayer, song, shofar and testimonials included members of the Jewish community of Greater Boston and members of Local 615.