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JLC Comments on British Trades Union Congress Statement

Monday, Sept 21, 2009: New York - The Jewish Labor Committee notes the statement by the British Trades Union Congress of September 17, 2009. We welcome the TUC's affirmation of support for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and emphasis on security for all parties. Yet, the resolution simultaneously seeks to impose military and economic sanctions against only one party to the conflict - the state of Israel and its democratic trade union center, the Histadrut. The resolution thus undermines the very end that that the TUC and trade unionists around the world fervently desire: a democratic, two-state solution to the Israel-Palestine question.

JLC President Stuart Appelbaum stated, "Support for a two-state solution is the goal and will not be achieved by isolating and boycotting Israel. We continue to look to the trade union movement to promote peace and solidarity for all workers and hope that we can work with the TUC and other labor federations around the world to establish a coordinated, constructive policy toward that end. After all, in labor's fight for justice, we need to see more cooperation among workers and unions through trade and economic development, not less."

International leaders of the U.S. and German labor movements have long condemned the use of boycotts against Israel as being counter-productive to a two-state solution. The Jewish Labor Committee urges that the British Trades Union Congress does the same.