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JLC Supports Hilda Solis for Secretary of Labor

February 5, 2009

Senator Edward M. Kennedy
317 Russell Senate Building
Washington D.C. 20510

Dear Senator Kennedy,

On behalf of the Jewish Labor Committee, I am writing to encourage the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions committee to expedite the appointment of Congresswoman Hilda Solis as Secretary of Labor. Please share this letter with committee members.

Representative Solis has repeatedly demonstrated her dedication to working men and women and we believe she is the right choice for Secretary of Labor. Her work in Congress has advanced Americans' needs on issues related to environmental justice, health care, education, and veterans' benefits. She is an advocate for women's rights and civil rights.

As early as 1996, JLC awarded Congresswoman Solis the Abe Levy Chaver Award for her contributions. We would be especially proud as American Jews in labor to welcome Solis as the nation's first Latina cabinet member.

Her appointment goes well beyond communal pride and our strong connection to her from within the Jewish community. Solis understands workers' needs and how to advance them. Under her administration of the Labor Department, we would expect to see a renewed vision of the role and vitality of the National Labor Relations Act and Board that would support increased rights for workers to organize in the work place. When considering the critical role that a strong labor movement plays in advancing democracy and strengthening a fair and just economy, the nation obviously needs strong leadership on labor. If the economic stimulus package is going to work comprehensively, confidence-building among consumers and within the employment market are critical factors.

Solis has a proven record as a legislator with integrity. We can not afford to miss her leadership.

We therefore urge you to overcome the issues that have blocked her nomination and support the President in his historic and well-placed nomination.


Sybil Sanchez
Executive Director
