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Unions and Labor Day

By David Dolev

BOSTON (Jewish Advocate) -- Many of us remember hearing stories of our parents, grandparents or great-grandparents moving to America and struggling to "œmake it" in the new country. Some may have been small business owners while others were rank and file workers, but common to all was the struggle to sustain themselves and their families. Many suffered in sweatshops and developed the mutual support system called the U.S. trade union movement.
The imperative of supporting one another in economic struggles was not new to them. One of our foremost scholars, the Rambam, states that the highest level of charity is "œentering into a partnership with one in need, or finding employment for him, in order to strengthen his hand until he need no longer be dependent upon others."
Remembering their own struggle, our parents and grandparents passed on to us the commitment to help others in need. That is what unions are all about -- supporting the basic right of individuals to a fair salary, benefits, workers safety, and the ability to raise him/herself to a better life. This is why so many in the Jewish community are supporting the ... READ IT ALL HERE: Download file